Puma Nation News

Akins Choice Sheet Day

 Paredes will be having the 8th grade Akins Choice Sheet meeting all day in the Library . The Akins counselor will be coming to help students with any question they will have when choosing their high school classes.    When: 1/27/25 & 1/28/25

Acceso A Alimentos Saludables Durante Vacaciones De Invierno

Las familias pueden usar los recursos de la comunidad para encontrar comida gratis en su área durante las vacaciones de invierno. Banco de Alimentos del Centro de Texas: www.centraltexasfoodbank.org

Access To Healthy Food During The Winter Break

Families may use community resources to find free food in their area during the winter break. Central Texas Food Bank: www.centraltexasfoodbank.org United Way for Greater Austin:

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