Puma Nation News

Panorama Picture Day

8th Grade Panorama Picture Day is March 27th! Order your pictures now on the Strawbridge website! 

Akins Choice Sheet Day

 Paredes will be having the 8th grade Akins Choice Sheet meeting all day in the Library . The Akins counselor will be coming to help students with any question they will have when choosing their high school classes.    When: 1/27/25 & 1/28/25

Acceso A Alimentos Saludables Durante Vacaciones De Invierno

Las familias pueden usar los recursos de la comunidad para encontrar comida gratis en su área durante las vacaciones de invierno. Banco de Alimentos del Centro de Texas: www.centraltexasfoodbank.org

Access To Healthy Food During The Winter Break

Families may use community resources to find free food in their area during the winter break. Central Texas Food Bank: www.centraltexasfoodbank.org United Way for Greater Austin:

Picture Day Photo Packages

Picture Day is October 24th- Order Your Photos Now!  El Día de la Foto es el 24 de octubre- ¡Ordene sus fotos ahora! See the flyers below for more information on how to order photos: 

Updated Lunch Policies

We want to remind you of our updated lunch policies to ensure the safety and well-being of all students: Bringing Lunch from Home: Parents are welcome to drop off lunch for their child.

Reminder: Student Pick up/Recogida De Estudiante

Reminder to Parents: Please remember that when picking up students, you must present a valid ID. This is to ensure the safety and security of all our students. Thank you for your cooperation! Recordatorio a los Padres:

PTA & CAC Meeting

We invite you to join our upcoming PTO/CAC meeting, which is a great opportunity to connect with other parents and learn how you can make a positive impact on our school community. Whether you prefer to volunteer on campus or from home, the PTO/CAC is dedicated to enhancing the learning experience for all students.

New 2024-25 Cell Phone Protocol

Puma Parents, We wanted to remind you about our new cell phone policy that took effect at the start of the school year. This policy is in place to help create a more focused and distraction-free learning environment for all our students.

2024-25 School Supply List

As we approach the new school year, we know you're know you're excited to get everything in order. We're pleased to share the supply list for the 2024-25 year: 2024-25 Paredes Supply List We appreciate your support in preparing for a fastastic year ahead!