Puma Nation News

Sign Up for 2025 Akins ECHS Summer Bridge & Orientation!

2025 Akins Early College Programs Summer Bridge:   Dates: Monday, June 9 - Thursday, June 12 & Monday, June 16 - Tuesday, June 17. Times: 9:00 am - 1:30 pm

Panorama Picture Day

8th Grade Panorama Picture Day is March 27th! Order your pictures now on the Strawbridge website! 

Akins Choice Sheet Day

 Paredes will be having the 8th grade Akins Choice Sheet meeting all day in the Library . The Akins counselor will be coming to help students with any question they will have when choosing their high school classes.    When: 1/27/25 & 1/28/25

Picture Day Photo Packages

Picture Day is October 24th- Order Your Photos Now!  El Día de la Foto es el 24 de octubre- ¡Ordene sus fotos ahora! See the flyers below for more information on how to order photos: 

E-cigarette New Legislation

Greetings Paredes Families, Please see the following important legislative update regarding e-cigarettes:

Online Registration 2023-24 School Year/ Inscripciónes En Línea

Paredes Families, please remember to register your student for the 2023-2024 school year! Registration takes 10-15 minutes and can be completed on your phone. For assistance with Parent Portal username or password, please call 512-414-9187.

Lost and Found

If your student is missing any items, please have them check the front office. Any items no picked up by end of day May 26th will be donated. Objectos Perdidos Si a su estudiante le falta algún artículo, pídale que revise la oficina principal.

AISD Technology Policies

All AISD students will be provided a school-issued Chromebook and charger for educational purposes. With being given this technology comes the responsibility to properly care for these devices.

Paredes News!

Hoppy Easter! Here is the agenda for this upcoming week: Week : BABAB Tuesday, April 11 8:15 am 7th Grade student meeting in cafeteria (teachers with 7th grade advisory go to cafeteria) 

Paredes News

Here's the overview of the week! Week: BABA Friday, April 7th- Student/Staff Holiday Thursday, April 6th: Principals Coffee/PTA- 8:30am-9:30am -Discuss Transitions

Paredes News

Good evening, Paredes-  I hope you had a relaxing weekend. The kids enjoyed the dance- thank you to all the sponsers and chaperones that stayed to help out.  Here is this week at Paredes and reminders:  Week : BABA - Friday Holiday (students and staff)