Monday: This week, we are celebrating Healthy Heart Week. Today’s healthy heart tip is “Get Active.” Your heart is a muscle, and it gets stronger and healthier with daily physical activity. Participating in at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity a day five times per week helps lower your risks for heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Students can use PE Class, Athletics, or take a walk around their neighborhood to be active and strengthen their hearts! This month, staff can participate in the Sweetheart 5k a Day Challenge sponsored by the Employee Wellness Department; by walking a minimum of 5,000 steps a day. To learn more about the challenge, contact Stephanie Hawkins, AISD Employee Wellness Coordinator. It is National Go Red Day; so, wear red Friday.
Tuesday: “Today’s Healthy Heart Tip is “Eat Well.” Healthy foods are the fuel our bodies need to make new cells and provide energy for us to live well and fight diseases. When eating healthy, think of a rainbow. The more colorful the food is on a plate, the more vitamins and nutrients your body receives. When making your food decisions for the day, make sure that you consume healthy foods & drinks that will give your body what it needs for you to be successful. We encourage students and staff to make and enjoy a colorful heart-healthy salad for lunch today. We’ll be celebrating Heart Health by wearing red Friday!
Wednesday: Today our Healthy Heart Tip is about "Being Kind to Yourself." Many of you have felt overwhelmed by the pandemic and all the changes it has brought to your life. When you start to have those feelings, we want you to do a loving-kindness meditation. This mediation is a way to practice feeling unconditional compassion for ourselves and all beings. How does this work? Sit quietly and direct kindness and love to yourself, then expand in circles of compassion outward to others. For example- Direct kindness and compassion to yourself by repeating a thought like, "May I be happy." "May I be loved." "May I be healthy and strong." Start with just a few minutes and gradually extend your time. Try it today and see if loving-kindness meditation can bring more happiness and well-being to your life. We'll be celebrating Heart Health by wearing red Friday.
Thursday: Today our Healthy Heart Tip is “Be Kind to Others” by practicing gratitude. With everything that is going on in the world today, showing gratitude and kindness to others is more important than ever. Here are some ways that you show gratitude. Sending a virtual hug to some you admire and appreciate. Writing a thank you note to a family member. Or, you can text a friend and share three reasons why you are grateful for their friendship. “Gratitude is good medicine,” says Robert A. Emmons, Ph.D., a psychology professor at the University of California, Davis. Practicing gratitude can have dramatic and lasting effects on a person’s life. It can lower blood pressure and 2021 Healthy Heart Week Secondary Announcements improve immune function. Being grateful is the gift that keeps on giving. Let’s all remember to wear red tomorrow to celebrate National Wear Red Day!
Friday: Our Healthy Heart Tip is to "Go Red." Today, we wear red to raise awareness about heart disease and save lives; because when we come together, there's nothing we can't do. It's important to keep your heart healthy by being physically active, eating well, and being kind to yourself and others. By practicing these healthy habits, you can lower your risk for heart disease no matter what age you are. Remember to share your group pictures on Twitter using the hashtags: #AISDGoesRed2021, #BeWellDoGood, and #AISDHasHeart