FLU VACCINES (Forms due 10/8/2021)

Dear Parents,

Health Hero America has partnered with your school district to provide flu vaccines to students. Now, more than ever, it’s crucial to vaccinate your child against the seasonal flu. Many cities are seeing an increase in coronavirus numbers, so it’s clear that COVID-19 is not leaving anytime soon.

Our hearts go out to anyone affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. With schools reopening and flu season approaching, it’s important to focus on the virus that has an approved vaccine.

What we want to avoid is a severe flu season arriving along with COVID-19. In a typical season, hundreds of thousands of people are hospitalized with the flu, and 12,000 to 61,000 die. One essential strategy to minimize the spread of influenza is boosting the rate of flu vaccination.

Health Hero America’s goal is to make flu immunizations readily available to any child, regardless of insurance coverage. There is NO out of pocket cost or copay. If you would like your child(ren) to receive the flu vaccine at our clinic, please:

  • Complete a separate consent form for each child. (Form available through your school district.)
  • The two-page consent form MUST be completely filled out and signed.
  • Page 1: Includes general information needed to proceed with the vaccination.
  • Page 2: Includes the Vaccines for Children Program eligibility screening. It is required by the state and must be filled out for all students.
  • The immunization registry (ImmTrac2) is also included on page 2 of the consent form.
  • This is only required if you want your student’s vaccination record to be saved in the state database.
  • Please also note:
    • All information you give us is entirely confidential.
    • You will receive the Vaccine Information Statement (VIS), which is for your information only and does not need to be returned to the school.

Your child’s health is critically important to us. We will observe all CDC recommended guidance to keep your child safe. If you should have any questions about the upcoming clinics, please contact your school for more information.

Please remember, the seasonal flu is a very serious and largely preventable virus. It’s very important that your child receive the flu vaccine from their doctor, a pharmacy, or a school located vaccine clinic. We look forward to helping your students stay healthy and in school!